Methodical activity
Methodological work is an integral system of interrelated measures based on scientific achievements and progressive pedagogical and managerial experience, aimed at ensuring the teacher's professional growth, developing his creative potential and pedagogical skills.
Methodological support is a process directed
on the creation of various types of methodological products (programs, educational and methodological complexes, methodological developments, didactic manuals, methodological tools that equip the pedagogical process), contributing to a more effective implementation of professional activities;
approbation and introduction of more effective models, methods, technologies into the practice of pedagogical activity, information, education and training of pedagogical personnel.
Methodological support - the norms of pedagogical interaction, expressed in the use of dialogue forms of professional interaction and communication, taking into account the expectations and interests of both community members and the expectations of society. This is an orientation towards solving existing professional problems, a willingness to assist in their solution, rejection of subjective assessments and conclusions, a striving for self-development and self-control of the community and each of its members.
Methodological support (including network) is the interaction of the subjects of the professional community, aimed at resolving the problems and tasks of professional activity that are urgent for the teacher, carried out in the process of updating and diagnosing the essence of the problem, information search for a possible solution to the problem, consultations at the stage of choosing the path, constructing an action plan and the initial implementation of the plan.
Methodological support in the network is the interaction of the subjects of the professional community, aimed at resolving problems that are relevant for the teacher and the manager, information search for a possible solution to the problem, consultations at the stage of choosing a path, constructing an action plan and the primary implementation of the plan.
The professional community is a group of people who regularly enter into communication with each other (personally or virtually) in order to exchange experience, develop knowledge and search for new, more effective approaches to solving the tasks assigned to them.
The professional community is a formal or informal group of people working in a specific subject or problematic professional field of activity.
The professional community is viewed as a means for the personal and professional growth of a teacher, the development of his professional competence and skill, and as a mechanism for starting self-organization and self-education (informal education of teachers).
A professional network community (associations, self-organizing groups) is a formal or informal group of professionals working in one subject or problematic professional activity in the network (using ICT).