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about the distance competition of presentations "My Novokuznetsk"

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

General Provisions

The competition is held by ANO DPO "Institute of Continuing Education".

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The purpose of the competition: improving the knowledge of schoolchildren about the history, economy and culture of Novokuznetsk.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Objectives of the competition:

- attracting the attention of students to the historical and cultural heritage of their native city, its geo-economic features;

- development of creative and research abilities of children;

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Students of grades 6-7 take part in the competition. One work is sent from the educational institution to the INO address ( ) from the class cooperating with the institute.

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Order of conduct.

Essay competition by correspondence. Presentations must be sent to the address of the institute before 11.12.17 (inclusive).

Date of the competition: 12.12.17.

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Evaluation criteria for competitive works:

Relevance of information

Amount of information

Clarity of information in the presentation;

Creative approach to the design and presentation of information

Originality of idea and plot

Compliance with technical requirements

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Requirements for competitive works.

Participants of the competition are invited to create a computer presentation in one of three directions:

- History of Novokuznetsk;

- Geography and economics of Novokuznetsk;

- Literary Novokuznetsk.

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PowerPoint computer presentation. The number of slides is no more than ten. The use of hyperlinks to Internet resources is encouraged; you can insert small videos, soundtracks, photographs into the presentation. The presentation should maintain a uniform style (color, font - size, style, alignment).

The title page of the presentation should include the following information: educational institution; direction of work (history, geography, literature): full name the author; class; Full name of the teacher (head of work).

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Summing up and rewarding.

To sum up the results of the Competition, a jury is formed, which includes

Teachers of ANO DPO "Institute of Continuing Education", school teachers. The jury evaluates the works submitted for the competition and determines the winners of the Competition. The winners of the Competition are awarded with certificates for I, II, III places in each category.

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